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Epictetus said, “Give yourself to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths.” My name is Nick, I am a 22-year-old student with a passion for watches, accessories, whisk(e)y, living a purposeful life, appreciating a nice meal, ambition, and exercising chivalry in every situation. My journey began on Instagram about a year ago when I started to post weekly photographs of watches, sentimental moments, whiskey, and/or a moment of reflection. Accompanying these photos, I included a quote I felt fit the mood of the picture or that meant something to me. I’ve found much fulfilment in doing this and continue to enjoy seeing various individuals expressing their interest and sharing my enjoyment. For a while, I realized that these posts didn't quite do justice to the actual stories or subject behind the photos. So, my new endeavor, launching this platform, became my new objective and obsession. Not only has this allowed me to tap into my creative side, it has also provided me with some much-needed perspective and made me realize that there is beauty in the smallest of things and moments. It is important to reflect on these moments and share these stories because that is what sparks curiosity and conversations between us. As such, I would like to personally welcome you to the Gentlemen’s Speakeasy.



While there will be no set agenda for the content that will be published, it will all be surrounded around stories. Anything from watches; to whiskeys; to an interesting quote; to taking a crack at philosophical/stoic writing; I hope to cater and appeal to a diverse group of disciplines. Further, I was recruited as a Clean Ocean Ambassador by a company I have been obsessed with since I heard about them about a year ago called The Sacred Crafts. Focusing primarily on the sustainability of preserving the oceans through various initiatives, they have managed to uphold the notion of doing what you can with what you have and, in the process, made some of the most stunning and unique Swiss watches I've seen. I am excited to be partnered with them and to have been given the opportunity to write features about them and what they do. If you are at all interested in learning more about them, or simply want to get in touch please don’t hesitate to contact with me via the prompts below.



Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “God will not have his work manifest by cowards.” Nothing ever comes easy, this is okay because it makes the hard work you do worthwhile. It makes accomplishing whatever goal you have that much more precious and you feel much more fulfilled. We all have our goals and ambitions, one cannot fear giving it their all to achieve them. Strive to truly go to bed at night knowing you gave it your all and there wasn’t anything else you possibly could have done. This is of course easier said than done, but we all know ourselves and what drives us; find it, embrace it, and use it as fuel to go after anything and everything you ever wanted. There is a Spartan proverb – “Molon Labe”. Essentially translating to, “Come and take them”, I’ve always liked this phrase for its defiance, its directness and its implication to put everything on the line for what you believe in and desire. I truly believe adopting a similar mindset, we can become unstoppable and achieve our full potential. I hope you enjoy my content and genuinely hope you become inspired by one of my stories. I firmly believe there are opportunities all around us. We simply need to be patient and willing to try to capture and run with them once they appear. It’s time to stop doubting yourself, stop asking, “what if?”, and go out there do something great.

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